

How to convert Properties to YAML

Complete the Properties editor, and your inputs will be automatically converted to YAML in the corresponding editor.

Additionally, this tool supports reverse conversion. To utilize this feature, simply enter or modify the content in the YAML editor.

The YAML Format

YAML, which stands for "YAML Ain't Markup Language," is a human-readable data serialization format frequently used for application configuration. It features a straightforward and intuitive syntax, utilizing indentation to represent hierarchical data. While TOML is even simpler, it often doesn't receive the recognition it deserves. YAML is widely employed for configuring tools such as Docker, Kubernetes, and Ansible.

The Properties Format

The Properties format is a text file commonly utilized in Java applications to store key-value pairs. Each line in the file represents a property, with the key and value separated by either an equal sign (=) or a colon (:). Properties files facilitate configuration management, enabling the modification of application settings without the need to alter the source code.

Why convert Properties to YAML

I suppose it’s used by Java developers! But since you’re the one on this page, you know best in what cases it’s useful!